Spring, is that you?
Waving your sparkling arms of sun over the boggy field of winter rain,
Have you arrived?
With yellow flowers dancing in the later light of March,
Whilst birds sing sweetly and the voices of people enjoying the outside are audible –
After months of being shut up.
Spring are you here?
Awakening life,
Hope rising as lambs bleat in faraway fields of lively green,
Spring, will you stay?
As frost threatens to crystallise the beauty you’ve begun,
And stagnate life half-formed.
Spring, breathe your sunny warmth on me
And run your bubbling streams by my side.
Written on a Spring walk in March, an ode to Spring represents the sheer delight I felt at seeing the sun in the UK in March. We felt the cold winter of January and February acutely after spending 3 months in Hawaii at the end of last year. Of course, in the UK, Spring always threatens to leave again just as quickly but that’s all the more reason to celebrate it whilst it’s here.