
to be loved

I want to be loved.
Here, now and always,
to be treasured, and held,
to be valued, and seen,
forever in the perfect light.
Not judged by my worst day,
or even my best.
Loved because I am.
No longer marked by what I do,
or didn’t do.
Instead given grace again,
and then again, and again,
because I am yours,
because I am worthy of love.
I want to be loved,
simply because
I am human.

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The Meaning of Grace by Helen Sherwin

Do you know the meaning of grace?
To be loved beyond words and without a trace –
of guilt, or shame or earning
But instead, your yearning
is met in complete forgiveness
at The Cross.

Oh, for the lost –
Yes, you can be found
Let this news get around:
The sheep has a shepherd;
the guitar has a player
He knows the chords of your soul,
The perfect song which wins your whole
Being.Read More →